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How to tell a njuggle story

The making of 'Kirsty an da Snarravoe Njuggle'

The October meeting of Shetland ForWirds heard from Bruce Eunson about the making and performance of the dialect play Kirsty an da Snarravoe Njuggle, directed by Izzy Swanson.  Bruce wrote the script for the play, which was  performed 21 times to over 800 appreciative bairns in August and September. Young actress Hannah Uttley played the role of Kirsty, while the supernatural elements of the story were told using film, recordings and puppetry, thus involving several other local people from the creative industries. We were very interested to hear how the production was made, and delighted to hear how much the bairns had enjoyed it: evaluations were very favourable. A pack of dialect folklore stories was also provided for schools to use.

Kirsty was produced by the Schools Service Creative Links Department, with funding from the Scottish Islands Initiative.

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